MondayMetcon“Misouri”50/40 Cal Ski50 Pistols50 Dumbbell Energy Cleans50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
AimMovement Effectivity
MobilityHalf Saddle Stretch
TuesdayStrengthStrict Press10-8-6-4-2
ConditioningAMRAP 10-126 Toes to Bar12 Gorilla Rows24m Suitcase Carry
MobilityCapsule Stretch
WednesdayMetcon“Frinkiac”1,2,3…8,9,10,9,8…3,2,1Overhead Squats 45/30KgBar Going through Burpees
AimShoulder & Again Endurance – Enthusiasm
MobilityBretzel StretchShoulder Extension Stretch
ThursdayMetcon“Keep Stunning”AMRAP 147 Pull Ups7 Energy Snatches 35/20Kg7 Energy C2 Bike
AimKeep shifting
MobilityStraddle Stretch
FridayMetcon“Cybernet”In a 2 Minute Window30 Double Unders6 Shuttle RunsAMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups-rest 2 minutes-*Repeat for a complete of 5 rounds
AimAthleticism / Regulation
MobilityWall Hinge Stretch
SaturdayMetcon“Combat Gone Unhealthy”3 Rounds For Whole Reps in 17 minutes1 minute Wall Ball Pictures (20/14 lb)1 minute Sumo Deadlift Excessive-Pulls 35/20Kg1 minute Field Jumps (20 in)1 minute Push Press 35/20Kg1 minute Row (energy)1 minute Relaxation
AimSport Observe / Pacing & Positivity
MobilityBretzel Stretch