MondayMetcon“Natalie”5 Rounds400m Run18 Kettlebell Swings12 Pull Ups
AimGrip & Pacing
MobilityForearm StretchBreakdancer Stretch
TuesdayStrength20RM Again Squat
ConditioningAMRAP6 Strict Pull Ups8 Abwheel Rollouts
MobilityButterfly StretchFrog Stretch
WednesdayMetcon“Dino”2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2Wall Dealing with HSPUDumbbell Field Step OversToes to Bar
AimStrength & Bracing
MobilityBox Shoulder StretchBox Pigeon Stretch
ThursdayMetcon“Service Street to Heck”15 Minute Ladder1 Energy Clear 60/40Kg1 Lateral Burpee2 Energy Cleans2 Lateral Burpees3/3, 4/4, 5/5…
AimPanda Cup Prep
MobilityCapsule StretchBretzel Stretch
FridayMetcon“Redzone”21 Cal Ski21 Thrusters 43/29Kg18 Cal C2 Bike18 Thrusters15 Cal Row15 Thrusters
AimHigh IntensityDanny & Mithun, go unbroken
MobilityCouch Stretch
SaturdaySurprise Staff Exercise