MondayMetcon“Gunslinger”AMRAP 204 Handstand Push Ups6 Pistols8 Kettlebell Snatches 24/16Kg
AimSingle aspect work + a contact of shoulders
MobilityQuad StretchShoulder Stretch
TuesdayMetcon“Takei”5 Rounds5 Cal Assault Bike10 Burpees15 Abmat Sit Ups20 Unbroken Double Unders
AimControl your breath
MobilityStraddle StretchHurdle Stretch
WednesdayMetcon“Delicate”3 Squat Snatches 40/25Kg3 Pull Ups6 Squat Snatches 40/25Kg6 Pull Ups9 Squat Snatches 40/25Kg
3 Squat Snatches 50/30Kg3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups6 Squat Snatches 50/30Kg6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups9 Squat Snatches 50/30Kg9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
3 Squat Snatches 60/40Kg3 Bar Muscle Ups6 Squat Snatches 60/40Kg6 Bar Muscle Ups9 Squat Snatches 60/40Kg9 Bar Muscle Ups
MobilityCouch StretchWall Hinging Stretch
ThursdayCoreAMRAP 6Seated Leg Lifts 12Abwheel Rollouts 6
Metcon“A Completely Good Coronary heart”10 Rounds for Complete Calories40 seconds Ski / 20 seconds rest40 seconds Bike / 20 seconds rest40 seconds Row / 20 seconds relaxation
AimPure Cardio
MobilityScorpion StretchKneeling Quad Stretch
MetconAmrap 12Rope Climbs x2Hip thrust x8Backward Sledd March 50ft
Amrap 12Sled March 50ftBench Row x8Straddle press x6
MobilityForearm StretchPec Stretch
SaturdayDRAFT DAY!Judged Metcon“CrossFit Open 13.4”7 Minute Ladder3 Clear & Jerks 61/43Kg3 Toes to Bar6/6, 9/9/, 12/12…
AimOpen Prep With Judging
MobilityShoulder Extension Stretch