Monday“See, Colm Isn’t The Solely Individual Who Ruins Grace!”2 Rounds8 Floor to Overhead 61/43kg8 Toes To Bar
2 Rounds7 Floor to Overhead 61/43kg7 Pull Ups
2 Rounds6 Floor to Overhead 61/43kg6 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
2 Rounds5 Floor to Overhead 61/43kg5 Bar Muscle Ups
TuesdayStrengthFront Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Conditioning10-12 AMRAP8 Renegade Row8 Ab Wheel Rollouts8 Cal C2 Bike
WednesdaySpice Bag20 Hand Stand Push Ups40 Cal Row/Bike120 Double Under40 Cal Bike/Row20 Hand Stand Push Ups
ThursdayErrol4 Rounds300/250m Row6 Energy Snatches 43/29kg300/250m Ski6 Overhead Squats 43/29kg
FridaySmell’s Like MurphAMRAP 156 Cal Assault Bike10 Pull Ups12 Air Squats14 Push Ups
Saturday“Balls To The Wall”4 Rounds400m Run3 Wall Walks30 Wall Balls3 Wall Walks