MondayMetcon“Mini Atalanta”800m Run5 Rounds5 Handstand Push Ups10 Pistols15 Pull Ups800m Run
AimMuscle & Joint Endurance
MobilityCapsule StretchPigeon Stretch
TuesdayMetcon“Previous Regionals Exercise”21-15-9 reps:Deadlift 143/93KgBox Jumps 32/24″
AimStrength & Energy / Effort
WednesdayStrengthStrict Press5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1
Palov Press8 reps every spherical
Kettlebell Bench Rows12 reps every spherical
D-Ball Carries50′ every spherical
MobilityRing Pec StretchRing Lat Stretch
ThursdayMetcon“Gyllenhaal”AMRAP 1616 “Regionals” Dumbbell Lunges16 Ring Rows
AimSingle Leg Power & Shoulder Stability
MobilityCouch Stretch
FridayMetcon“Perpetual Movement”Each 5 Minutes for five Rounds350m Row300m RunAMRAP Skips*Decide Crossovers, Double Unders, or Backwards Skips**no break
AimCardio & Focus
MobilityHurdler Stretch
SaturdayMetcon“Air Power”For Time20 Thrusters 43/29Kg20 Energy Cleans 43/29Kg20 Push Jerks 43/29Kg20 Overhead Squats 43/29Kg20 Entrance Squats 43/29Kg
4 Burpees on the prime of every minute
20 Minute Mercy Clock
MobilityStraddle Stretch