MondayMetconEndonym & Exonym””1,2,3…9,10,9…3,2,1Overhead Squats 45/30KgToes to Bar
AimCore Endurance
MobilityUnderneath Stretch
TuesdayMetcon“Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze”6 Rounds, 2 Minutes On/2 Minutes OffSki 200mAMRAP Wall Going through Handstand Push Ups
*Rating as time on the rower and time on the handstand
AimSprint Restoration / Focus
MobilityStraddle Stretch
WednesdayStrengthCrossFit Total1RM Again Squat1RM Strict Press1RM Deadlift
Whole lifted
Restoration/CooldownPigeon StretchBretzel Stretch
ThursdayMetcon“haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate”AMRAP 155 Bar Muscle Ups10 Thrusters 40/25Kg20 Double Unders
FridayMetcon“McCallister”3 Rounds:24 Energy Erg*12 Satan’s Presses
*Alternate C2 Erg Every Spherical
AimBreath Work and Again Energy
MobilityButterfly StretchUnderneath Stretch
SaturdayMetcon“12 Days of Outlaw”1 Clear & Jerk 100/70Kg2 Muscle-Ups3 Field Jumps 36/30″4 Dangle Squat Snatch 50/35Kg5 Bar Going through Burpees6 Push Press 50/35Kg7 Pistols (alternating)8 T2B9 Wall Ball 20/14#10 C2B Pullups11 HSPU12 Entrance Squats 100/70Kg
AimIt’s Christmas!