Time to get gymnasty!
• Teaching Notes
We’re tackling a day that’s meant to decelerate the tempo and have athletes engaged on structured and managed gymnastics power work. Now we have leveled up the depth this week and hit some good benchmark checks, so right this moment is about refining positions and getting athletes to concentrate on some focused work that does not push them into the depth zone right this moment. Our focus as coaches right this moment is to assist them dial in positional work and discover scaling mods that permit for consistency throughout right here right this moment.
Metcon: “Virtuoso”
5 rounds, every spherical for time, of:
2x [ 1 Wall Walk + Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold, 15 secs ]
8 Strict Toes-to-bars Tuck L-Dangle, 15 secs
8x [ 1 Push-up + 1 Shoot Through + 1 Dip + 1 Shoot Through ]
Go each 5 minutes.
As many reps as attainable in 8 minutes of:
2 Hole Rocks
2 V-ups 2 Tuck-ups
2 Hole Holds
4 Hole Rocks
4 V-ups
4 Tuck-ups
4 Hole Holds
6 Hole Rocks
6 V-ups
6 Tuck-ups
6 Hole Holds …
Proceed including 2 reps every spherical to every motion till time expires.