MondayStrength20RM Again Squat
ConditioningAMRAP30 Backward Skips10 Ring Rows10 Kettlebell Swings
MobilityButterfly StretchFrog Stretch
TuesdayMetcon/Energy“Poison Ivy”18 Minute Window10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1Bar Dealing with BurpeesChest to Bar Pull Ups
Within the remaining time…1RM Cling Snatch
AimBreath Management / Core Endurance / Energy Whereas Fatigued
MobilityBretzel StretchSeal Stretch
WednesdayMetcon“Hater Blockers”5 Rounds15 Cal Row/Ski12 Dumbbell Deadlifts9 Dumbbell Cling Energy Cleans6 Dumbbell Push Presses3 Satan’s Presses
MobilityBretzel Stretch
ThursdayStructure/Health1A) Sled Rope Pull x 25′1B) Sandbag Carry x 50′
2B) 18/15 Cal C2 Bike Erg2C) Sled March x 50′
MobilityBreakdancer StretchWall Hinge Stretch
FridayMetcon“CrossFit Open 15.3”AMRAP 147 Muscle Ups50 Wall Balls100 Double Unders
AimSport Prep – Pacing
MobilityWall Ball Thoracic StretchCouch Stretch
SaturdayMetconCrossFit Open 22.21-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:Deadlifts 102/70KgBar-facing burpees
AimBack Endurance / Respiratory
MobilityBretzel StretchSeal Stretch