Exercise of the Day (WOD)
EMOM 32Min 1: 200m RunMin 2: 5 Ring DipsMin 3: 20 Leaping LungesMin 4: 30 sec Handstand Maintain
Rating your slowest and quickest run. The aim is to take care of a sustainable tempo and have the smallest distinction.Ex: 49 – 47 = 2.
Right this moment’s schedule
6:00a: All Ranges CrossFit- Isabelle7:00a: All Ranges CrossFit- Isabelle8:00a: Open Fitness center- Isabelle12n: All Ranges CrossFit- Michael1:00p: Open Fitness center- Michael4:00p: Open Fitness center- Michael5:00p: All Ranges CrossFit- Hailey6:00p: All Ranges CrossFit- Hailey7:00p: All Ranges CrossFit- Hailey
And coming tomorrow…
A. Deadlift3 x 3 @ 87percentRest 4 minutes between units
B. EMOM 10Min 1: 10-20 Toes to BarMin 2: 4 Devils Press (35’s/20’s) (Rx+ 50’s/35’s)
Publish load for deadlift and whole toes to bar from EMOM. Ex: 395#, 78 Rx.